Lucas Cranach the Elder, the maestro of the pale and protruding Saxon forehead in early Renaissance painting, was sent on a secret diplomatic mission to the Netherlands by Frederick the Wise…there he found himself staring into the nightmarish fantasy world of Hieronymous Bosch.
Outside the Velvet nightclub, I stumbled upon this Hieronyous Bosch carousel built by Menubar Memorial and laughed out loud over my fingers. The second obvious characteristic of second life residents besides their creativity, is a sense of humor. I grabbed onto the spikey helmet of a creature, from the right panel of the Garden of Earthly Delights, being chased by a beast from the Temptation of Saint Anthony. The Seven Deadly Sins span above, twirling the whole mad crew round and round in their own elemental stew. I’ve been thinking about trying to find a church that suits my vague Gnostic leanings but nothing quite suits. And I mean the experience of church-going. Sitting on a hard pew, the cold creeping up your calves, the plodding hymns...Instead, what about sitting on a carousel that forces you to confront demons, one that could rinse and inspire as it spins its rider round and round…
Buy one here.