I'm in a sort of steampunk, suit-wearing, speak-easy phase ... more on that later.
I logged on the other day and was instantly greeted by a friend, Catalina, who invited me to an indie club streaming old favorites like Sonic Youth's Schizophrenia - so welcome after the frantic house or screeching metal you find in most sims. She berated me for not contacting her when I have questions in-world, and I felt like a shy nine year old. When I burbled something about wanting to set up an art gallery Catalina was all action. She said she'd help me find an exhibition space...minutes later she brought me to meet the owner of the sim who showed me the exhibition spaces she had designed, which were New York Chelsea styled spaces. My spastic self waddled after her as she strode confidently in her leather chaps and knee high motorcross boots, leading me towards a potential work space. Somewhere along the way, our lines of communication got tangled. She plonked me down on a tilting hillside so I could get to work on my art (even though I haven't made any in over five years). She misunderstood that I, in fact, wanted to curate, but she was so energized/forceful that I just went with it. I got the feeling there was no room for co-curation here, and that my idea for community-based art wouldn't go down well with her scene. She gave me a hug, told me to "impress her" and left me in this crabby grassed industrial space, much like Heath Street in J.P., so I could "get to work". I felt a little depressed and more annoyed - who says "impress me" to an artist?! A bit later, however, something about her dominance inspired me and I actually thought through a few ideas for drawings...the first rumblings of art making ages...! I'm always drawn to women who act like they're gonna kick my ass.